Path // ā†’ Site Management ā†’ SERVER RESPONSE CODES

Server Response Codes

Every time a page is requested your server reports how the process of finding and sending the file to the user went. By analysing the server response codes that your server is spitting out, you can diagnose various problems with your site, as well as learning much about the surfing habits of your readers.

Clock This page was last updated on 2012-08-21


Whenever a user sends a request to a server, a process called a ‘handshake’ begins where the server and your computer communicate and the server makes sure it can accommodate what your user has requested of it. This means being able to make the connection between the two computers and then completing the transfer of data.

Headers are short fragments of text which are generated by servers to hold information pertaining to each transfer as it occurs. There are four kinds of headers:

This holds information about the client (user), the server itself and the protocol being used (like http or ftp).
This holds information about the data that is being transferred.
This holds information about the allowable formats and parameters for the transfer.
This is sent out by the server at the end of a transfer, and includes detailed information, in code form, on the outcome of the transfer.

The Response Codes

As a web surfer you've probably become familiar with the dreaded 404 error message (and possibly made your own), which signifies a ‘page not found’ error. That's the most well-known server response code, but there are many more. These numerical codes are grouped — the low numbers are generally ‘good’, and operate silently, while anything over 400 is definitely bad news and will be reported to the user in the form of an error message.

Code Explanation
100-199 Silent Response Codes that signify that a request has been received and is currently being processed.
100 The request has been completed and the rest of the process can continue.
101 The user's request to switch protocols (like from FTP to HTTP) was accepted.
200-299 Silent codes that confirm that requests have completed successfully.
200 Ok — the file which the client requested is available for transfer. This is the response code you want to see all of your users receiving.
201 When new pages are created by posted form data or by a CGI process, this is confirmation that it worked.
202 The client's request was accepted, though not yet processed.
203 The information contained in the entity header is not from the original site, but from a third party server.
204 If you click a link which has no target URL, this response is elicited by the server. It's silent and doesn't warn the user about anything.
205 This allows the server to reset any content returned by a CGI.
206 Partial content — the requested file wasn't downloaded entirely. This is returned when the user presses the stop button before a page is loaded, for example.
300-399 A redirection is occurring from the original request.
300 The requested address refers to more than one file. Depending on how the server is configured, you get an error or a choice of which page you want.
301 Moved Permanently — if the server is set up properly it will automatically redirect the reader to the new location of the file.
302 Found — page has been moved temporarily, and the new URL is available. You should be sent there by the server.
303 This is a "see other" SRC. Data is somewhere else and the GET method is used to retrieve it.
304 Not Modified — if the request header includes an 'if modified since' parameter, this code will be returned if the file has not changed since that date. Search engine robots may generate a lot of these.
400-499 Request is incomplete for some reason.
400 Bad Request — there is a syntax error in the request, and it is denied.
401 The request header did not contain the necessary authentication codes, and the client is denied access.
402 Payment is required. This code is not yet in operation.
403 Forbidden — the client is not allowed to see a certain file. This is also returned at times when the server doesn't want any more visitors.
404 Document not found — the requested file was not found on the server. Possibly because it was deleted, or never existed before. Often caused by misspellings of URLs.
405 The method you are using to access the file is not allowed.
406 The requested file exists but cannot be used as the client system doesn't understand the format the file is configured for.
407 The request must be authorised before it can take place.
408 Request Timeout — the server took longer than its allowed time to process the request. Often caused by heavy net traffic.
409 Too many concurrent requests for a single file.
410 The file used to be in this position, but is there no longer.
411 The request is missing its Content-Length header.
412 A certain configuration is required for this file to be delivered, but the client has not set this up.
413 The requested file was too big to process.
414 The address you entered was overly long for the server.
415 The filetype of the request is unsupported.
500-599 Errors have occurred in the server itself.
500 Internal Server Error — nasty response that is usually caused by a problem in your Perl code when a CGI program is run.
501 The request cannot be carried out by the server.
502 Bad Gateway — the server you're trying to reach is sending back errors.
503 Temporarily Unavailable — the service or file that is being requested is not currently available.
504 The gateway has timed out. Like the 408 timeout error, but this one occurs at the gateway of the server.
505 The HTTP protocol you are asking for is not supported.